Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Young Men part five: Chin beards

My last entry was July 19th? Wow. Time does indeed fly. Between then and now has been a lot of heat, even more humidity and a whole passel (as we put it in SW Ohio) of tourists. I get asked daily - after I have made my appearance at the door of the 1810 farmhouse I work in - how I can stand wearing a heavy dress, stockings and a hat, along with that corset and all those petticoats in 90 degree weather? The obvious answer is 'not very well'. I won't get to take a breath until September. But that's ok. If the site is busy, we'll be there another year.

Now, on to today's topic. Chin beards. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Sorry about that. Net-iquette says not to shout, but really.... Chin beards have to be one of the more...questionable...of history's fashion statements for men. A clean shaven look topped off with a growth of hair on the chin that is not easily disinguishable from a stock collar. Oh well, since women were running away with corsets and wasping their waists to 18 and counting down inches at the time, I guess there is little I (or any other female) can say.

A friend of mine suggested this young man looks Amish, or Quaker perhaps? He is, again, well dressed and fairly prosperous though his suit has a homespun look. He is obviously not a dandy, and has a nice serious look. Again, there is that confidence. Men seemed to know who they were in the past. Today there is so much confusion about the roles of males and females. I, for one, feel that men should be men, and women, women. We should be equal, but different. What good is there in being liberated if we are only liberated to pretend to be something we are not?

Look out, here come the PC police....

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this latest image. There are more to come....

1 comment:

Lady Cincinnatus said...

Marla, I'm quoting your blog on my blog today... :)